Valerie Mann Helps You Get Your Share of the Pie
Valerie has been the town’s grant consultant for the past 16 years and has been successful in obtaining money to do water and sewer projects, street projects,parks and recreation projects, and heritage tourism projects. In one case, she wrote a successful grant application to the Maryland Department of the Environment under a program which only funded 3% of the dollars requested. Her success rate is very impressive, and she has administered all grants in complete compliance with the guidelines of the funding agencies. Her partnership with the town has been a big success.
Russell Brinsfield, Mayor of Vienna/Executive Director of the Wye Research and Education Center, Wye Mills, Maryland

Vienna, MD wastewater treatment plant. $1,500,000 awarded by the Maryland Department of the Environment for improvements.
Mann and Mann Grant Solutions – An Exceptional Success Record
- Over 800 grant applications written Over $200,000,000 has been won for clients
Types of Projects (representative listing- ask us about others not on the list)
- Water and Sewer
- Street Work
- Parks and Recreation
- Community Service, including youth needs, health care, and education
- Economic and Business Development
- Historic Preservation and Heritage Tourism
- Housing Rehabilitation
- Law Enforcement
- Fire Protection
Examples of Projects

Farmers Access to Regional Markets project, with $700,000 awarded by the US Department of Agriculture for construction and operation.
- Preparation of application for $180,000 to the U.S. Department of Justice for funds to hire three school resource officers in Crisfield, MD. This project was one of only three funded in the entire state of Maryland.
- Preparation of successful application under the Community Parks and Playgrounds Program for replacement of equipment at an existing playground in Vienna, MD.
Preparation of successful CDBG application for storm drainage work in the Prospect Heights Neighborhood of Hurlock, MD. - Preparation of successful application for funding to replace playground equipment under the Community parks and Playgrounds Program in Hurlock, MD.
- Preparation of a successful application for $1,500,000 in ARRA monies on behalf of the town of Vienna in Dorchester County for funding to undertake improvements to its wastewater treatment plant. The competition was so keen that only 3% of the dollars requested could be funded.
- Preparation of a successful application to the Maryland Department of the Environment on behalf of the town of Hurlock for over $250,000 in funding to rehabilitate a lift station on Route 392.
- Preparation of a successful application for $720,000 in CDBG stimulus funds for a water and sewer project in Dorchester County.
- Preparation of a successful application on behalf of the city of Cambridge, MD for $356,000 under the COPS Universal Hiring Program administered by the U.S. Department of Justice. Cambridge is one of only seven police departments in the entire state of Maryland to receive these monies. Work also includes the administration of this grant.
- Preparation of a successful joint application on behalf of the Cambridge Police Department and the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Department for over $74,000 to the U.S. Department of Justice for funds to purchase radios and two police vehicles.
- Preparation of four successful applications for American Recovery and Reinvestment funds. The Hurlock Police Department and the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Department both received funds for overtime to reduce their backlog of warrants involving violent offenders The Dorchester County Sheriff’s Department received $32,900 to purchase portable radios and the Hurlock Police Department received $22,000 to purchase mobile data terminals.
Types of Clients
- Local and state governments, including law enforcement agencies and fire departments
- Non-profits, including schools, colleges, and hospitals
- For-profit businesses
- Individuals
Valerie has undertaken a number of projects for my office, many of them dealing with large grants from the US Department of Agriculture. I have been very impressed with her success rate, as well as her ability to work on a deadline and in cooperation with a team. She is widely regarded as an expert in the grant field and I have been very impressed with her ability to quickly assimilate information and turn it into a successful grant application. I would highly recommend her work.
Daniel S. Kuennen, Executive Director, Rural Development Center, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD
Valerie Mann is by far the most successful grant writer I have seen in my 42 years in law enforcement. When she started with my department, we had basically nothing in terms of equipment. She brought us up to the level of a technologically sophisticated agency.
Chief William Lamphere, former Chief of Police in Havre de Grace, MD and Hurlock, MD